How To Make a Website: Full Step by Step Guide for Beginners
Though setting up a website or a blog is fairly easy for an expert but it is a daunting activity for someone who is unfamiliar with web design and development.
Here i am going to walk you through a complete step by step guide so that you are able to create a successful website in just 20 minutes of time and that too on your own. Let’s get started to learn every thing you need to setup your website.
1. What is a Blog?
Literally blogging means sharing your expertise with others through a platform known as a blog. A blog is nothing but a platform that allows you write and publish articles on a regular basis.
We can start many types of blogs like personal blogs, professional blogs, institutional blogs, topical, mp3, or fiction blogs etc. Every blog has a unique design and identity.
According to WordPress “In every 6 seconds, a new blog is created”. The concept of blogging isn’t a new term for us.
But the rapid growth of blogs is a little bit annoying. Why? Because the competition increases because new folks with more talent compete in the market.
The main reason behind the rapid growth of blogs is the free tutorials and best masterpiece articles.
In the early days, it was difficult for a complete beginner to make a blog but not now.

Finding The Niche and What to Blog About
This is the most important part of this whole tutorial. Because if you haven’t a perfect niche then you are not going to rock on Google or other search engines. Learn how to find the niche and what to blog about below.

Choosing the Right Platform
Choosing a right platform is difficult because a complete beginner doesn’t know which one to pick.
Because he had never worked with it. For better and SEO optimized site you will require the best content platform also referred to the content management system.
Often the question is asked ‘what is it and what to do with it”. Let me answer it in few words.
In old days, it was difficult to create and manage the website. Because it required lots of coding to do that like HTML, PHP, etc.
But the CMS has made it easy because it is premade and easy to use.
If you search on Google, you will find lots of CMS available there but few of them are good. So choosing it is a wise decision.
Don’t worry.
Check the list below and pick one as your CMS which meets your website requirements.

Domain and Hosting
These are the two basic things which you need to make a website. Domain and hosting are essential for making a website.
You can get these two anywhere but the recommended websites are Bigrock and Bluehost.
In this tutorial, I will be focusing on Bigrock because it is affordable and costs low than others. Let’s begin.

Setup and Customisation
If you have followed above steps carefully then we can install our first software script to the domain address and can make our site live.
We can install any software like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Prestashop, etc.
But here we will install WordPress then we will customize it also.
Keep reading.

If you followed all the steps carefully, then I congrats you on your first website.
You can make WordPress more functional and customized by doing some tweaks
You can use our guides to make your website customized and functional.
Few of them are:
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